Sunday, April 26, 2009

Death Valley - Beauty in the Unkindest setting

Must see during April every year - a layer of yellow shimmers in seething >100F temperatures along the entire valley floor. The background is more cruel, jagged barren mountains, an artist's delight comprising all hues raw earth has to offer. For travelers to Death Valley some of my newly discovered tips here:

Mexico City - 25million people

It is incredible that Mexico City's population is more than that of Bombay (at least officially). The business here is done like how it is done in Spain; meetings over long lunches that might get extended well into a late night dinner - with yum arachera meats and can't-count-anymore tequilas! Fascinating that Tequila's chaser is beer. The host mexican's were quite surprised when I nicely enjoyed a full jalapeno.
As for 'getting mugged', I was told not to use the ATM at the airport never venture out alone,etc etc. Didn't matter- as usual, common sense must be used by a visitor in a foreign land anywhere in the world. My last trip was of course marred by swine flu. This time around stuck to the hotel - not for crime but for virus' ;-)